Monday, August 9, 2010

Good Feedback

I got the first chapter back from my second reader and I was pretty pleased. There were hardly any corrections (he deleted like 10 words and added 20) and that was it. I am both relieved and pleased. If it's well written to begin with, the less work there will be in the end. He even commented that it was very well written and coming from him this is huge. As usual my PI has disappointed me he's had this chapter for over two weeks now and hasn't read it (after I reminded him) now he's gone on vacation for 2 weeks. Dude, seriously. Everyone is busy and the other reader is just as busy as you are with his responsibilites too. What he doesn't realize is that as long as a faculty member reads it (any faculty member) I'm good. Any other crucial paperwork can be done by my program director.

So as I write this I'm working on the next chapter, catching up on YouTube vids and Big Brother. All I've done is set up one PCR reaction I have no interest in science but to get this dissertation written and finding a job, any job at this point. My postdoc interview went well at least to me but I'm not sure if I really want to be in science????????
Now I'm going home, to do laundry and work on discussion for one section and some figures. I feel motivated this week.


  1. Reading this is like traveling back in time three years. Yay for positive feedback, and if your reader is anything like my boss those 20 added words included the 10 he just deleted!
