Saturday, July 24, 2010

Another day...

I'm almost done with this chapter, I only have the discussion to finish and proof read one more time before sending it tomorrow. It will be sent tomorrow, I have to get it out and move on to the next one which I had already started (thank God). Writing is hard, made hard because I realized for this project  although we have met the goals we haven't gotten any 'result' per say to even publish a paper and the one paper we could have published we got scooped. Oh well, I've learnt my lesson and in my next scientific life I won't make the same mistake.
What mistake is that? working for someone who is CRAZY!!!!

I have to use next week to work on my postdoc/job talk for my interview in Aug 3rd.

Then back to the dissertation grind.

1 comment:

  1. My job talks were the same as my exit/defense seminar - I was pretty well practiced by the time my defense came, and even better for the interviews afterwards (I had some before and some after defending).

    I generated a bunch of data that I got scooped on as a grad student. I still wrote it up as a chapter and it at least counted for something! It was gratifying that the published data verified what I already had, and I wrote that into my discussion - not the same as getting published though.

    When you go for an interview be sure to speak to current lab members - be very suspicious if you are not given this opportunity. A good sign is if your interviewer allows them take you out to lunch unattended!

    Good luck.
