Thursday, August 26, 2010

Best one yet....

Today's postdoc interview was by far the best one yet. Not only in the possibility that this may actually happen but the conversation (science) was great.  Of course I was asked about the length of time I spent in the lab and my lack of papers and I said "I learnt a lot and one or two may come out of my dissertation" so I think I scored some points on that front. We were talking about projects and the expertise I could bring in I gave suggestion which were well received, possible funding/grants I could get since I'm a citizen, career development stuff.
Overall I feel much calmer after this interview than I did the previous two.


  1. Good luck! I'm hoping this goes well and vividly remember the stress of interviewing after grad school. It can be brutal so make sure you're taking care of yourself.

  2. That is awesome! But do not lose sight of the fact that you are interviewing them too ;)

    If you had a super publication record they (if good interviewers) would be inquiring about how much guidance you received. Many people who look good on paper simply followed instructions and had the PIs write the manuscripts. A good mentor will be aware of this.

    You answered the question correctly (although I would substitute MAY with SHOULD) - the incorrect answer would been a bunch of whinny excuses!
