Saturday, August 6, 2011

Still hanging on....

to the life raft of scientific research...

I have been a postdoc for 9 months and 6 days!!!!

F32 grant submitted to NIH, no errors or warnings. Keeping my fingers crossed. That was a rough experience not only writing the actual grant but going through my institutions administration.

Now on to exploring some non-goverment funding opportunities.

First manuscript of postdoc will be submitted next Tuesday. Again keeping fingers crossed.

I've been invited to be a reviewer for a journal.

Three papers maybe coming out of my thesis. Keeping my fingers crossed but not holding my breath.

My undergrad student comes back in the Fall must think up of a few projects.

Getting another student for 9 weeks in the spring.

Recently decided this may be my first and last postdoc; the stipend is barely keeping up with the cost of living and being single makes it worse.

I'll make an effort to update this blog more.

1 comment:

  1. Oooch about having a hard time on the postdoc stipend....yes being single makes it worse. That sucks...but I'm good to hear about the new undergrad and the publication opportunities!
