Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Happy 2012!!!!

I've been a post doc for 1 year and 41 days!!!!

This year has already started out rough. My current PI is officially certifiably crazy there is no pleasing her and today was a perfect example. She is applying for a grant in a field she has no, zero expertise in apart from what I bring to the table. From day one I have offered to help her with every and anything, the science, the admin, etc. she said no, she does not need or want help. But yet she ask me to make a check- list which I did, the budget which I did. Then she gave me a copy of the 6 page-grant and I read through it, highlighted keys experiments that only people in the field would know and the reviewers would expect to see, grammar, spelling etc. It was due at Admin yesterday, today she told me she's not going to pursue this one anymore because I DID NOT HELP HER. That is how my 10 days of 2012 have been. What she really wants is someone to be at her beckon call and to sort through all her issue and not actually do any science at all. Then where will the preliminary results come from? Mars

It's a good thing I am job hunting :)

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