Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Well I've been a postdoc for almost two and a half months. So far things are moving along at a nice, rapid pace if that makes sense. It is so much different from my PhD lab, my new PI is actually focused on publishing and my career. We're already outlining three papers, talking about conferences, seminar presentations, collaborating with other labs etc. It's such a breath of fresh air to do science that is taken seriously, appreciated and will be (hopefully published), no it will be published. I want to use this first year to get stuff published so that when I apply for my first grant which may or may not be in this lab, my publication record will be strong.
My new PI is a bit crazy and is not really liked in our department because she doesn't filter her thoughts before she speaks and it offends people more like hurts their feelings. At least she's honest and says it like it is, she's had a lab for quite awhile now and is looking to move make waves once again (she did over 10 yrs ago) by taking advantage of new technologies etc. So maybe I left my old lab and joined this one at the right time. 

I'll blog more I've just been lazy.

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